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Spiral Synergies

Unique combination of Spiral Stabilization method, Yoga and Personal training.

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A Bit About Spiral Synergies

Spiral Synergies is a unique combination of several exercise training methods:

Spiral Stabilization (a revolutionary exercise method invented by a Czech medical doctor, Dr. Smisek),

Yoga, and Personal training. 

As we grow and age, we adopt many unhealthy movement patterns and habits. These habits contribute to the development of muscle imbalances, and most of the time, we are unaware of them. In addition, we get injuries throughout our lives, and as our bodies get more chronologically enriched, we get more and more wear and tear.

Experts estimate that up to 80% of the population will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain can affect people of all ages and is the third most common reason for doctor's visits.

The spine is essential for our body's structural support, helps us maintain our upright posture, protects the spinal cord, and assists us in moving and performing our everyday tasks. We cannot live a fulfilling life without a healthy back. Mother nature did not design us to sit for 8+ hours in front of a computer and then come home, too mentally exhausted to do any exercise. Nor to live a sedentary life, five days a week and then on the weekends going skiing, biking, hiking, gardening etc. Our backs are unhappy if we don't exercise regularly and in a healthy way to prepare them for that weekend's fun or work in our backyards.

We need a healthy, strong back, regardless of our activity preferences. How many people do you know who complain about back pain? And quite often, they are people we consider very healthy and active. But not all sporting activities are healthy. Any sport can harm us if performed incorrectly.

The Spiral Synergies method is suitable for anybody, but especially for those who have experienced or are experiencing back pain issues. It focuses on creating both physical and mental balance throughout our body. It is a unique training for anybody who wants to feel better. It does not matter what shape you are in or what age you are. It's about being healthy and improving your ability to perform daily tasks with less or no pain.

Our training will focus on getting your BACK back in shape, correcting your posture, and preparing you for whatever activity you have in mind. Some of you might have a goal of walking and moving easier; some might dream of skiing or biking again without pain. We all have our personal goals, but we all have one thing in common; we want to enjoy our life as much as possible.

To make the training more fun, we will incorporate a little bit of emotional fitness, and we might even "dance like nobody's watching"! Of course, only if you feel like it. Training can take place online or in person at your location so you can really express yourself without fear of judgment.


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Our Services

  • Individual session for those who prefer privacy.

    1 hr

    89 Canadian dollars
  • Individual session in the comfort of your home.

    1 hr

    Starting at CA$ 99
  • Session for partners in crime/friends who want to motivate each other.

    1 hr

    139 Canadian dollars
  • Session for partners in crime/friends in the comfort of your home.

    1 hr

    Starting at CA$ 149
  • Suitable for those with Spiral Stabilization experience.

    1 hr

    25 Canadian dollars

About Spiral Stabilization Method

Stabilizing Muscle Chains


Did you know that up to 80% of the population will experience a back problem at some time in their lives?

Spiral Stabilization is a revolutionary exercise method invented by Dr. Richard Smisek, a medical doctor from the Czech Republic. Practitioners have demonstrated the method’s effectiveness across Europe for over 20 years. In Germany, Spiral Stabilization is even covered by medical insurance. Now, it is making its way to North America and many other parts of the world. 

Spiral Stabilization helps people who suffer with herniated discs, scoliosis, bad posture, sciatica, hip and knee issues, rounded shoulders, overall back tension, chronic pain, migraines, neck and shoulder pain, and even flat feet. Practicing this method also prevents injuries and improves sports conditioning.

Spiral Stabilization is a non-invasive method that has helped many of its clients achieve lasting results. The simple exercises are performed with an elastic cord with no need for heavy equipment or a gym membership, so you can practice in the comfort of your home. This method is suitable for the young, adults, the elderly and athletes who want to improve their ability to perform simple daily tasks or to improve their sports performance.


How does it work?

Dr. Smisek divided our body’s muscle connections into two major groups:






































Our increasingly sedentary lifestyle causes an imbalance between these two muscle chain groups.

The Spiral Stabilization Method re-creates this balance through exercises that are designed so that you stretch the tight muscle chains and strengthen the spiral muscle chains at the same time.



Spiral Stabilization Exercise


We use a special, custom made elastic cord to perform the exercises. The cord resistance activates the muscle chains. Exercises can be performed in standing, sitting and kneeling positions, depending on the client’s needs and the training is customized for each individual client.

At the beginning, we will practice the correct technique and learn exercises on both feet. Gradually, we will add exercises on one foot which develops better balance. We will also progress to exercises on a balance mat.

My recommendation for a daily exercise routine is 10 to 15 minutes in addition to regular exercise with your trainer.




Thank you to the Spiral Stabilization rehabilitation clinic in Prague for the use of some of the images on this page.


Spiral dynamic muscle chains

Vertical static muscle chains

Stabilization of movement (such as walking or running

Stabilization at rest

Vertical static muscle chains, in contrast, tighten and shorten the spine, causing flexion and bending in the joints which leads to poor posture, weakening the spiral muscle chains. These imbalances lead to disc degeneration, compression and pain.

Spiral dynamic muscle chains stabilize the body during exercise and effectively create a dynamic yet stabilizing muscle corset. Contracting these muscle chains develops upward strength which creates traction (elongation) of the spine, decreasing pressure on the intervertebral discs. Simply, this creates more room between the vertebrae and allows for regeneration of the intervertebral discs (the cushion-like shock absorbers in your spine).

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About Yoga


Yoga is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines that originated in ancient India. In the Western modern world yoga is perceived as physical exercise, but there is so much more to yoga. It is not only about performing asanas (postures); breathing techniques, moral discipline and meditation are very important as well. Yoga can transform and benefit every aspect of your life, not just the 60 minutes spent in a class. It’s a way of living that teaches us to be kind, truthful and to use our energy to benefit ourselves and everything and everyone around us.

Throughout our training sessions we will incorporate certain yoga techniques and postures to achieve long-lasting results.

learn about yoga


Most of us are familiar with the concept of personal training. It provides individualized guidance to clients in strength training, weight loss, cardio and stretching. A personal trainer creates one-to-one fitness programs for clients, motivates and guides them to achieve their goals. Some clients wish to lose weight, some to gain muscle, and some wish to improve their cardio or sport performance.

Our unique training incorporates some aspects of personal training as well.

About Personal Training

about personal training

About Lenka


I have always thought of myself as a sporty, healthy person. When I was a child, I would keep doing cartwheels and summersaults throughout our house, to the point my mom jokingly asked me if I could even walk. That was a preview to my competing in gymnastics, playing basketball, skiing, biking, practicing karate, scuba diving, and later on climbing and yoga.

One would have thought, what a healthy lifestyle, right?

For a long time, I thought I was in good shape. But, for a big part of my adulthood years, I had a sedentary occupation, sitting in the same position for 8 hours a day, five days a week, and then, on the weekends, doing a lot of skiing (I LOVE skiing). It, of course, took a toll

on my back. My body was not in good shape at all. I was still a good skier, but that was it. I started having lower back pain, followed later by upper back pain, excruciating neck pain, tingling in my feet and hands, long-lasting migraines, and losing grip. I ended up several times in an emergency room. My doctor told me it was a herniated disc. Maybe more than one. He said it was a common ailment and recommended learning to live with it, adding that he lives with a couple of herniated discs himself. I did not want to hear that and I certainly did not want to learn to live like that. I had to stop skiing which was incredibly hard for my mental health.

I kept thinking to myself there must be something else. There must be something that will heal my back. I was too young to stay inactive and in pain. So, I started searching for solutions. I needed to help and heal myself. I decided to travel back to my home country of the Czech Republic to spend some time with my family, relax and recharge my energy. This was a game-changing trip. My sister-in-law is

a physiotherapist and introduced me to this "revolutionary, therapeutic method that treats back issues." Coincidentally, I met up with

a friend of mine who told me about her scheduled and later canceled back surgery due to a slipped disc. She told me everything about her struggles, how she was unable to walk, dragging her leg behind, and how she discovered and practiced the same exercise method my sister-in-law introduced me to. And how three months later, when they admitted her to the hospital for the planned surgery, the MRI revealed that the herniation was half the size it was before. They discharged her from the hospital with no surgery needed.

I started to believe that there was something special about this Spiral Stabilization method. I kept hearing from people that it really helped them with their back problems and significantly improved their quality of life. So I decided to try it. I had nothing to lose. I could only gain. 

After a short period of everyday exercise routine, my back started feeling better. My migraines began getting shorter in time and less severe. My grip was slowly coming back.The tingling in my extremities was slowly dissipating.

Convinced, I decided to become a Spiral Stabilization therapist. I met a lot of fellow back pain sufferers on my healing journey.

Many of them became therapists themselves. I realized that way too many people experience back issues. And soon, it became clear to me that helping them was my purpose. 

To complement the effects of Spiral Stabilization, I followed my passion for yoga and traveled to beautiful Thailand to become a yoga teacher. It was another unforgettable experience that taught me how to care for myself and others.

But my learning journey did not end there. I wanted to know more and gain an even deeper understanding of the human body and its mechanics so I added a personal trainer specialist certification to my portfolio.

I now combine these methods into Spiral Synergies routine and training sessions.

And guess what!?  

I ski again!

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Get in Touch

Phone: +1 403 688 0886

Whatsapp: +1 403 688 0886


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